Thanks to Golden Equity Ltd.’s global nature, financing for projects may be obtained from virtually any part of the world. Our offices are dispersed throughout almost all the continents, and representatives from over 30 countries are ready to serve the client when needed. Through this conglomerate system, Golden Equity Ltd. has excellent access to assisting in finding and obtaining medium and long term funding for the appropriate investments and projects. When financial institutions become reluctant to lend to risky and demanding projects, Golden Equity Ltd. uses its methods, distinctive business strategies and construction to find an appropriate source of funding.
The minimum loan/guaranty size that we may assist in organizing is €350,000 and the maximum is €500 million. If a project requires more than our maximum per-project lending capacity, we have the possibility to arrange consortium forms of financing. Golden Equity Ltd. has experience in working with the associates of creditors, who can organize the adequate funds for projects.
Most of the financing that we help to obtain is used to cover the capital costs of a project (manufacturing services, the construction of appropriate etc.) or to fund an increase in the lending capacity (microfinance, SME lending) of a financial services provider.
Corporate Finance
Making long term decisions in your business is a difficult task; one must know what strategies to use or which way of development is accurate for the expected outcomes. Using our knowledge and expertise at Golden Equity Ltd., we are able to help companies with short and long term decision making, aid them to restore their financial circuit through restructuring and optimizing their strategies and methods. Our main goal whilst advising you on how to manage your company is to increase your income.
Project Finance
Through Golden Equity Ltd.’s good relations with financing institutions we are capable of financing vast investments with a large capital intensity. To implement these investments, we help companies form a Special Purpose Vehicle, which main purpose is to manage the investment. In order to finance an investment of this type, a foreign capital from 70-90% is necessary. A foreign capital in this case are banks loans or financial credits provided by financial institutions. The advantage of investment form lies in the precise terms and conditions of the credit repayment, which are dependent on the expected financial flow.
Venture Capital and Private Equity
Venture Capital and Private Equity are investments in which individual investors have the possibility of taking part in an innovative value growth of a business, through buying shares. Businesses in search of Venture Capital or Private Equity can either be in an early stage of development or have been on the market for a while with a well-documented history, however, they both have a high potential of growth.
Venture Capital investments are known to be of high risk, as they are medium-term and assume a rapid gain of funds. Nonetheless, these investments are attractive for small business, such as seeds companies and start-ups, for the investments transactions in most cases do not influence the process of decision-making, which remains with the original owners and they fill in the ‘gap’ which stops them from developing further.
Private Equity investments are needed for established or mature organizations and business’, which have encountered a moment of stagnation within their finances or position on the market. Provided Private Equity investments do not only help a company recover from financial unproductivity, but also the newly added shareholders help in making strategic decisions.
At Golden Equity Ltd. we help both potential investors find companies to invest into and businesses to find entities willing to invest. If you are an investor or a small-business or project owner, do not hesitate to contacts us.
Enterprise Restructuration
The process of the restructuration of a business is heavily connected to changing finance systems within the company’s system. Through our knowledge and expertise, we are able to aid institutions struggling with issues of project management, legal and operational matters, as well as the business’ financial circulation or any other concerns which can cause a temporary stagnate state. Restructuring is often the best way to bring back a company’s liquidity; it reduces financial losses and any possible tension between debt and equity holders.
Our consultants are ready to help reorganize company structures and suggest new operational methods through creating assets, shares, introducing investors, creating SPV’s or using other means known to us. We can help virtually any client achieve his or her goals and have the well-functioning business he or she deserves.
Construction and Development Financing
Over the past few years, construction projects have evolved and have become the key elements when it comes to running a business. As a real estate developer it is crucial to execute new projects with ease and precision. Therefore, Golden Equity Ltd. provides innovative solutions for financing land acquisitions, construction, infrastructure and development. We provide short as well as long term funds for land development, residential property, office and commercial building development and construction, or any other type of construction project.
Our company helps to acquire the following loans:
Real Estate Development Loans
Commercial Real Estate Loans
Construction Loans
Non-Recourse Construction Financing